
“The future depends on what you do today.”

In the last 40 years, I have often been where you are.

I have applied for jobs, got rejected, worked in different sectors in Athens, London and Amsterdam,  and started my own business at 56.

If I could do this, so can you! 
And it’s never too late!

Improve your career progression; find your talent. Grow professionally with Aliki Synodinou's coaching.

How I can help you:

You want to start a business, but your fear keeps you from reaching your goal.

  • You will learn self-awareness so that you can assess your skills and values and identify the types of jobs that would be a good fit for you.

You want to improve your skills and career, but you are unsure which direction suits your potential.

  • I will help you find clarity and build a CV and cover letter that stand out and showcase your strengths and achievements

You think you are not good enough. You can’t progress in your career, but everyone else you know does.

  • I will prepare you for job interviews by helping you practise answering common interview questions and providing feedback on your responses.
  • I will provide support and motivation to help you stay focused and motivated during your job search.

You are unhappy with your job – you feel stuck, and like you’re falling short of your true potential.

  • I will help you negotiate salary and benefits during the job offer process.

You have had a successful career and achieved financial independence, but you would now like to take your career in a different direction.

  • I will offer guidance on advancing your career once you’ve landed a job.

By the end of our programme, you will have all the tools necessary to improve your skills for a better career and improve your career progression.

“What you think about yourself is not the whole picture. I help you find the thoughts that hold you back and focus on making good decisions rather than perfect decisions”.

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