My name is Aliki Synodinou.
I am a Personal Transformation Coach
and the proud founder of Emotions Reframed Life Coaching.

My Life

In a life of 58 years, I have, like most of you, experienced many of life’s challenges. With years of self-exploration and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, I have found that self-awareness, empathy, and love both for myself and my fellow human beings, have allowed me to walk the path of life, making decisions based on my values.

However, in a 34-year professional career, I often sensed there was something missing – a life purpose – but I could never find what that was. I often felt trapped and that I had no choices. At some point I admitted to myself that my job, which I really valued, was not fulfilling.

It took two powerful coaching questions to remove all the fuzzy thinking from my mind to enable me to find clarity and my true purpose in life – to help people grow and move towards successful resolution of their issues and challenges, and to realise their opportunities.

As a qualified personal transformation coach (Animas Centre for Coaching, London), I adhere to the highest standards of coaching as set out by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) and the AC (Association of Coaching), bound by its standards of training and professional practice.

My Core Beliefs in Life

Being prisoners of our past does not serve us. We are the architects of our own life.

Only after we’ve stepped outside our comfort zone do we begin to grow and transform.

Suffering is the strongest of all teachings. Challenges are opportunities to learn, increase confidence, achieve personal growth, and create meaningful human connection.

Mindfulness and emotional agility are perfect tools for being self-aware, thoughtful, and mentally present when we make decisions.

My Career

I was born and raised in Greece, where I worked for 17 years, first as a qualified teacher of English and later, as a director of studies in a language institution. In my late thirties, seeking a better understanding of life, I enrolled on a university BA programme to study English literature. I then moved to London to study further and attained an MA in literary criticism.

For the last 14 years I have lived in London, first doing voluntary work for an orphanage, and later working for an organisation in various roles in stakeholder communications.

My studies and career developed my skills in communication and discussion, and my ability to analyse and evaluate information.

However, it is my personal life experience and my qualities of empathy and genuine interest in my fellow human beings that turned my attention to Life Coaching.

My passion to serve fuels my desire to connect with people and to help them.

Have any questions? I’d be happy to answer them.

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