
Download my self-esteem checklist

Get crystal clear on how to improve your relationship with yourself and others and start living the life you truly want.

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What you think about yourself is not the whole picture.

I help you improve your self-esteem and
build a life you don’t need to escape from.

– Aliki Synodinou

Why you are here

  • Are you struggling in your relationships?
  • Are you struggling with indecision?
  • Are you a perfectionist?
  • Are you a procrastinator?
  • Are you feeling self-conscious?
  • Are you a people-pleaser?

I guess you’re here because you’ve lived a life of:

  • Self-sabotage
  • Self-criticism
  • Procrastination
  • Inaction and paralysis
  • Impossible standards
  • Fear of judgment
  • Fear of failure

How I help

I’m here to support you as you:

  • Improve your self-awareness to understand what is driving your behaviour
  • Overcome limiting beliefs that have held you back for years
  • Reframe your perspective
  • Learn self-love
  • Overcome perfectionism
  • Find your purpose
  • Build sound self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Move from self-sabotage to self-growth
  • Build a strong and balanced relationship with yourself and others
  • Achieve personal development and personal growth

As I hold your hand in your journey, you will notice that
what seemed impossible gradually seems inevitable 

Aliki Synodinou
Certified Life Coach | Animas Centre for Coaching, London
ICF (International Coaching Federation) and AC (Association of Coaching)

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